Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Don't pick on a Korean...

Today's afternoon sermon, the annual sermon, was brought by Ken Miller, Pastor of FBC Weston. He preached on the need to not exact revenge on people, but to bless those who curse us. It went along with the theme of the convention this year which is Peacemaking... How to get along with your enemies....

Anyway, he told a story I want to relay to you...

There were these three men int the army stationed in Korea. They had a young Korean for a cook... These three men thought it was funny to play practical jokes on this young Korean. They would put vaseoline on the knobs on the cook stove, They would position pails of water over doorways so they would fall on him when he walked through the door... They would take his shoes when he was not watching and nail them to the floor...

One day, they felt bad for what they did, so they went to him to apologize...

The Korean said, "Let me get this straight... no more sticky to da stove?"
The three said... yep...

"No more wet on da head?"
The three said ... yep...

"No more "stucky to da floor?"
The three said ... yep...

The Korean boy.. .said, "GOOOOOD, NO MORE SPIT IN YOUR SOUP!!"

Gotta go, we just finished eating at Cracker Barrell, and we have to be back at church by 6:30...

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