Only 4 days left...
I have been looking forward to the Annual meeting of the WVBC for a few weeks now.
Besides getting to graduate from the WV School of Christian Studies, the gathering of over 500 WV Baptists together from all over the state is something that lifts my spirit.
This year the Annual Meeting will be held at St. Albans First Baptist Church. There will be awesome worship, sermons, and music. Getting to see friends that I haven't seen for a year is always a blessing. And this year our convention has hired a hispanic strategist to help church's and associations to start hispanic ministries throughout the state. I had the privelige of meeting him last evening at our local association meeting. His testimony is powerful, and I am convinced that God is going to work through our association in a mighty way.
For a couple yrs now, I have felt some sort of call to hispanic ministry, but the call has never came in clear. It is like God is saying, "prepare yourself" so I have been. For the last few years, our association has been planning a hispanic ministry, but all our plans get shot down. We know God wants it, but we didn't know the timing... until now.
As I type this, Juan, our hispanic brother is on a fact finding mission with another local pastor. He will assess our area, which happens to be heavily populated with hispanics, and will set up a strategy for our association and churches to start a ministry.
Anyway, back to the convention... We will be leaving on Sunday Afternoon. We will stay Sunday night with my Mother-in-law, visit my wife's grandmother Monday, and go on to the hotel near St. Albans Monday evening.
Tuesday morning, we have a minister's council meeting that morning and early afternoon, then the 1st session of the annual meeting around 3 pm... dinner, then back to the church for the evening service at 6:45. It is in this service that I will graduate from the School of Christian Studies.
Wednesday morning and early afternoon will be spent in workshops. Then the business session of the meeting will be held in the afternoon. We will go to dinner, then back to the church for Wednesday evening service... ending in communion with our brothers and sisters.
Then wake up Thursday, have lunch, and head home.
Hopefully, I will be re-energized by the time I get home. I love these conventions.
Pastors need to be fed too. And it is during these times that I am fed.
Please pray for our traveling safety.
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