Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sin... The 5th part


Sin can be defined as:
1) Missing the mark,
[1] that is, to deviate from the standard of holiness that God has set;
2) To go beyond the limit of righteousness that is established by God,
[2] and
3) To distort what is right for the purpose of ones self.
Pride and selfish desires are at the root of sin.
[4] Sin is not only what we do, but what we are.[5] We are sinners.[6] We are not sinners because we sin- we sin because we are sinners-We are born with an inherent tendency to sin.[7]Because of sin we are incompatible with a holy God.[8] Sin has affected, not only, our ability to have a relationship with God,[9] but also, our ability to truly know of him. We have went from a state of intimate knowledge of God to one of depraved knowledge. In other words, at one time we knew God intimately, then we became vain, only to have our hearts darkened, we then became fools, and tried to invent new gods.[10] Because of sin we will reap sin’s wages, death.[11] Furthermore, we in our sinful humanity are condemned to death already.[12]However, Christ died to lift the curse of sin, and the sentence of death from us.[13]
[1] Romans 3:23
[2] 1 John 3:4
[3] Luke 13:27; Matthew 23:28
[4] Isaiah 14:13-14; Gen 3:6; Romans 1:21
[5] Psalm 51:5; 58:3; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 5:12-21
[6] Romans 3:23
[7] Psalm 51:5; 58:3;
[8] Romans 8:7-8
[9] Romans 1:18
[10] Romans 1:21-23
[11] Romans 6:23
[12] John 3:18
[13] Romans 5:8-9; 6:23

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